Project Sankalp Garo Hills, Meghalaya (SCA 86+): Lot #OC-15A - Anaerobic Slow Dry Naturals (Medium-Light Roast)
Origin: Garo Hills, Meghalaya
Lot Number: #OC-15A
Medium Roast (250g)
Agtron Meter: 75
Process: Anaerobic Slow Dry Naturals
Varietal: Sln 795 + Cauvery
Best Suited: Omniroast
Altitude: 800 - 900 MASL
Cuppers notes: Raw Mango, Cinnamon, Prunes

Best Brewed With
Please note that the best brewed with list is not comprehensive and does not dictate that the coffees cannot be brewed with any other methods. These are the the methods we think will extract the best possible cup. However, this coffee can be ground and enjoyed with any brew method that you desire.
About the Process
Anaerobic Slow Dry Naturals - The anaerobic slow dry process is a specialized coffee processing method that combines anaerobic fermentation with a slow drying phase. Coffee cherries are sealed in a container for fermentation in an oxygen-deprived environment. Following fermentation, the cherries undergo slow drying, which allows for gradual moisture removal and optimal flavor preservation. This meticulous process results in unique flavor notes such as fruity, floral, and wine-like characteristics, paired with a smooth mouthfeel. It requires precise control and careful attention to detail. Coffees processed using the anaerobic slow dry method are highly valued for their distinctive flavor profiles.

Cupper's Notes
This is a unique cup that Subko has to offer. The palate is greeted with a bright acidity reminiscent of raw mangoes. A cinnamon-like flavor is then perceived, bringing a spicy nuance to the cup. The experience concludes with a mouthfeel and sweetness similar to prunes.
About Garo Hills Project Sankalp
The Indian Northeast basks in the limelight a lot rarer than other parts of the country. With the introduction of the Garo Hills as a specialty coffee origin in 2020, a watershed moment came to be. In 2023, with the introduction of high-scoring specialty coffee from the Garo Hills under the umbrella of Project Sankalp, or ‘Garo Sankalp’, processor Waribok Daribok has elevated the coffee grown there by tribal smallholders — popularly referred to as the ‘Achik’ in collective — to a specialty caliber worthy of international recognition.
About The Origin
About the estate Indigenous, native citizens of Meghalaya, in India's Northeast, the Garos refer to themselves as 'A'Chik'. Classified as a 'Sino-Tibetan' language, 'Garo' is spoken in the Garo Hills districts of Meghalaya. Garos are interestingly also one of the few matrilineal societies globally, where clan titles are traditionally taken from the mothers' side.
Garo gastronomic culture is equally diverse. Millet, maize, tapioca, goats, pigs, fowls, ducks, deer, raw honey, and bamboo shots to name but a few gastronomic drivers of the region. Arabica coffee, however, is rarely on such lists.
We're humbled to share that there is small-lot production of Arabica coffee production in Meghalaya, thanks to the tireless work of native Meghalayan Waribok_Daribok. Our Q-Grader has found that these coffees cup well beyond the threshold for specialty coffee, with certain roast profiles surpassing the SCA 85-point level we aim for with our specialty sourcing model.
Cultivated at elevations of 850-965 Mtrs MASL by smallholder farmers and not at any formalised estate, these specialty coffee cherries were grown, harvested, picked and then naturally shade dried below 35 Centigrade with intermittent raking on what are referred to as 'African raised beds.'