The Rebirth of Mary Lodge.
For months now it’s been our internal code name. Our mantra. The inexplicable and inescapable. Mary Lodge 2.0.
It is an evolution. Like all things, it was neccessary. Some things change, some stay the same. All toward our goal of continuing to redefine what the craft of the subcontinent means to the rest of the world - through the lens of coffee, bread, design, and now, cacao (aka chocolate), too.
We know the queues were getting to you. That many of you wanted to visit us and grace us with your inimitable presence as often as you could, but that pesky line snaking around the chapel road bylane, and the resulting inability to say- have a quality catch up meeting or work from a café you cherish, just stopped being possible at some point once more folks discovered Subko in bandra. We heard you, and we listened (hearing and listening are two different things, innit? All those in serious relationships nod their head rapidly).
Our commitment to celebrating the agricultural sector. Quality produce. The design and heritage of the Indian subcontinent and its contemporary avatars. The artful nature of baking. The roasting and brewing process of specialty coffee. The intricacy of fine cacao transformed into genuinely Asian chocolate. It’s all here in a myriad of forms, shapes, and sensory experiences to behold.